About the Committee
Committee meets approximately twice per term, usually from the comfort of your own home with a cuppa! We’ve found meeting online has worked best around young babies and bedtimes. We try to catch up in person several times throughout the year socially (with a bit of toy library business on the side).

Meet your 2022 committee! These fabulous volunteers help to shape the future of Grovedale Toy Library.
Committee Roles 2023
All members of committee are required to hold a current Working with Children Check (or VIT equivalent). This is to ensure that we comply with our Child Safe Policy. Expand below to read the position description & expectations for each role.
Sound like your jam? Nominate for your preferred position/s for 2023 online here.
- Leads the management and committee of Grovedale Toy Library.
- Must become familiar with Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012 (State Government Victoria) & Model Rules for an Incorporated Association (Consumer Affairs Victoria).
- Provides a contact point for members (main contact = secretary)
- Provides a public face for the community.
- Liaises with Council, Family & Child Services Centre Manager, Neighbourhood House Co-ordinator, Toy Libraries Australia, and other organisations.
- Is a bank/cheque signatory.
- Participates in the development of grant submissions.
- Chairs and organizes committee meetings (at least 1 per term) and the AGM.
- Writes and presents annual report for the AGM
- Administrator of GTL Facebook page.
- Attends committee meetings.
- Monitors lease requirements.
- Ensures all policies and procedures are up to date
- Responsible for strategic development of GTL
- Responsible for management of member issues and disputes in line with the constitution.
Skills required:
- Leadership skills.
- Excellent planning & organizational skills.
- Professional manner with excellent written and verbal communication skills.
- Familiar with Computer programs (Microsoft word, Mibase, Canva).
Vice President (Library Coordinator)
- Undertake any responsibilities of the President in their absence.
- Manages the day-to-day workings of the library
- Maintains stationary supplies / printed copies of forms as required.
- Periodically checks that toys are shelved correctly
- Ensures signage is up to date and clear
- Monitors toy recalls and ensures recalled toys are withdrawn from the library
- Periodically changes the front window display to celebrate different events and promote new or under-used toys
- Monitors feedback from Session Coordinators to be aware of missing parts and damages
- Amalgamates toys where required (due to missing parts, etc.)
- Ensures all packaging is safe and appropriate for the toy, and all toys have appropriate warning labels (small parts, magnets etc).
- Coordinates Party Pack enquiries
- Coordinates holds for Click and Collect
- Main contact for trouble-shooting missing pieces
- Main contact point for library subcommittee
- Liaises with Library subcommittee to assign short-term and long-term roles
- Skills required:
- Leadership skills.
- Excellent planning & organizational skills.
- Professional manner with excellent written and verbal communication skills.
- Familiar with Computer programs (Microsoft word, Mibase, Canva)
Skills required:
- As per President
- Is a bank signatory.
- Must become familiar with Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012 (State Government Victoria) & Model Rules for an Incorporated Association (Consumer Affairs Victoria).
- Updates authorised persons register and lodges required annual documents with Australian Charities and Not-for-Profits Commission (ACNC) (supercedes any Consumer Affairs Victoria requirements)
- Monitors info@ email address and responds/redirects emails daily
- Monitors & facilitates responses to any direct messages or comments received on social media.
- Notifies GTL committee members of committee meeting dates and members of AGM dates (in liaison with President) a month prior.
- Prepares committee meeting and AGM agendas (after consultation with President) and distributes 7-10 days prior meeting.
- Takes minutes at committee meetings (minimum 1 per term) and AGM and distributes within 7 days of meeting.
- Compiles (gathering all information from committee and relevant people) and sends out GTL Newsletter each term on Canva templates via Mibase (minimum 4 newsletters per year). This may include new or featured toys, welcoming new members, key dates, events, fundraising etc – should this be here or Events/Promotions?
Membership maintenance
- Maintains updated record of committee members and Session Coordinators and their contact details
- Checks and maintains members that are added onto Mibase by Session Coordinators (contact details, dates of joining, type of membership (single, family, grandparent)
- Confirms payments into bank account for new members
- Email Welcome and Mibase login to new members as required (at minimum checked day prior to each open session).
- Periodically checks currency of code of conduct and helmet waivers being accepted in Mibase
- Maintains register of WWCC/VIT details and copies of such for Session Coordinators
Committee management
- Oversees Events and Promotion Coordinator and their subcommittee
Skills required:
- Planning & organizational skills,
- Written and verbal (phone) communication skills,
- Competent with Computer programs (Microsoft word, Mibase, Gmail),
- Competent with preparing Agendas and minute taking.
- Must become familiar with Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012 (State Government Victoria) & Model Rules for an Incorporated Association (Consumer Affairs Victoria).
- Prepares financial statements for each meeting and annual financial statement for AGM
- Arranges insurance through Toy Libraries Australia.
- Records financial transactions including reconciliations with grant money
- Maintains petty cash tin.
- Banks money received.
- Acts as main contact with bank
- Reimburses committee members for monies spent
- Pays bills and accounts as they become due including rent, fundraising, insurance, hall hire etc, & ensures the Toy Library remains solvent.
- Is a cheque/bank signatory.
- Police check is required (funded by the toy library).
- Attends committee meetings
- Manages Grant Writer volunteer/s to ensure grants are actively being applied for
- Oversees Grants Officer
- Oversees Technology coordinator
Skills required:
- Honesty & integrity.
- Basic financial management skills
Volunteer Coordinator
- Sends out duty rosters request with instructions 4 weeks prior to start of term via Mibase and follows up with individual members as required to ensure roster is filled and finalized 2 weeks prior to start of term.
- Acts as point of contact for members regarding rostering enquiries including duty swaps to ensure Mibase roster is up to date for duty leaders. Members are told to find a swap themselves but to advise by email of the swap.
- Keeps volunteer procedures up to date
- Verifies with the Secretary that committee members and Session Coordinators have a current Working With Children Check.
- Trains session coordinators as required
- Assigns duty-at-home jobs to members owing duties
- Provides an updated list of member duties owed at each meeting to the President.
Toy Coordinator
- -With the committee, sets target areas for toy enhancement or replacement for the year, along with proposed budget, and identifies a specific toy or range of toys that fundraising efforts will be targeted at.
- Maintains Toy Buying document to monitor toy purchasing goals and allocated funding
- Discusses proposed purchases and toy suggestions with GTL committee at meetings and via committee chat group.
- Keeps an eye out for specials and bargains, shops around for best prices, gains final approval from President or Treasurer for purchases and keeps receipts for the treasurer to be reimbursed.
- Actively participates in Toy Libraries Australia Discussion Group (Facebook) to source information on existing and new toys.
- Assists with Stocktake and updating of inventory
- Assists with research for grant applications
- Receives donations and adds them to MiBase ready for labelling
- Gives toys a code in accordance with catalogue code index
- Photographs toys, prints and laminates an index card.
- Liaises with toy labeling helper/general committee to organize labeling of new toys, including assigning duty at home labelling
- Informs newsletter editor and social media rep of new toys and forwards link to online reviews.
- Keep copies of warranties, instructions (scan onto OneDrive) and store spare parts.
- Acts as main contact point for Toys subcommittee
- Liaises with Toys subcommittee to organise coding, photographing and labeling new toys
Events & Promotions Coordinator
- Acts as main contact point for Events/Promotions subcommittee
- Liaises with Events/Promotions subcommittee to assign short-term and long-term roles
- Main contact person for local community organisations (Maternal Child and Health Centres, Child Care Centres, Playgroups, Kindergartens, libraries, etc.) and liaises with these organisations for recruitment
- Updates GTL brochures and flyers
- Liaises with MCH and arranges talks for new parents to obtain new members. Arranges a committee member/appropriate volunteer to attend each talk and ensures GTL representatives have appropriate information to deliver.
- Produces (or sources) content for Grovedale Grapevine newsletter as needed (minimum 1 article per year)
- Is on the lookout for events and opportunities to promote GTL, solo or in conjunction with other local toy libraries (such as Big Play Day, Sustainable Living Festival etc), and coordinates GTL’s participation in these events (arrange for committee members/volunteers to attend, supply toys, supply marketing)
- Coordinates Stay and Play events (make room bookings, organise members to be responsible for tasks)
Social Media
- Administrator of public Facebook page & Instagram account.
- Develops Social Media plan in conjunction with Committee to promote GTL and engages with followers
- Obtains and holds written permission from parents/guardians of any children whose image is used on GTL social media
- Demonstrates a clear understanding of moderation of appropriate content
- Liaises with Committee members to source content for posts – new or featured toys, events, fundraising, recognition of special days (I.e. Mothers Day etc)
- Monitors Toy Libraries Australia and TLA Discussion group facebook page (and other relevant pages) for shareable content
Grants Officer
- Researches available grants from government (local, state, federal) and industry and identifies opportunities for GTL to apply.
- Works with the Treasurer and President to write grant submissions
- Works with Toy Researcher to source data for submissions
- Works with Committee on fulfilment of successful grants (be this event organisation, toy purchasing)
- Ensures grant provider is acknowledged on the website or relevant promotional material
- Ensures grant provider is acknowledged on the appropriate toy index cards
- Follows up with successful grant applications for financial acquittals and gratitude
Technology Coordinator
- Demonstrates a clear understanding of moderation of appropriate content
- Periodically checks website for data accuracy & update as needed
- Periodically/as needed checks laptops and devices for updates and install/troubleshoot
- Updates Mibase email templates as needed, in conjunction with Secretary
- Administrator of G Suite/Email
- Maintains password list on Google Drive
- Main contact for technology troubleshooting within committee and volunteers
- Monitors Mibase Discussion groups on Facebook