Strategic Plan
Our Vision
We see a thriving community of families who play, grow and learn together through the Grovedale Toy Library.
Our Purpose
To make quality toys and play resources available to everyone in the Grovedale and surrounding suburbs of Geelong region, regardless of circumstance, so that parents, caregivers and early childhood services are equipped to use play-based learning to raise developmentally healthy children.
Grovedale Toy Library Strategy
We do this by providing a curated collection of quality toys and learning resources to our members on a loan-basis at our twice-weekly borrowing sessions, and by hosting regular “Stay and Play” events where we model to families how to use play to engage children in healthy ways.
Grovedale Toy Library
Strategic Plan
Last Reviewed: October 2022 Next Revision due: January 2024
- Engage with members to create a ‘playful’ community.
- Stay & Play sessions, ensure at least 2 themed/planned/scheduled per term
- Leverage knowledge of current committee to create awareness of ways to play, benefits of specific toys, linking developmental stages to toys using blog posts, social media posts, QR codes on toys linking to information
- Survey members twice annually
- Sustainably grow and retain membership
- Community Engagement: where possible, ensure GTL has marketing presence at local child related events (3216/3217 postcodes)
- Maternal Child Health/New Parent Group presentations
- Social media / marketing strategy
- Consolidate/simplify/clarify coding, presentation and shelving of toys to ensure members can access appropriate toys.
- Ensure adequate space to house toy catalogue and to accommodate members borrowing. This includes investigation into options for 2nd site at Armstrong Creek (turning threat into opportunity)
- Develop Knowledge Bank and support training for volunteers and committee to ensure long-term success
- Master document checklist, including review dates
- Documentation of policies and procedures
- Record training videos for member expectations for visiting TL, and volunteer expectations on duty.
- Enhance catalogue of toys, to ensure coverage to meet play needs of member demographic.
- Enhance 0-2yr toy offerings
- Develop a master wishlist for both new toys and toys earmarked for replacement.
- Target application to minimum of 5 grant opportunities per calendar year to facilitate funding of catalogue development.